Proto employee pinning up a Service Design strategy

A Service Design manifesto for Transformation

I have decided after listening to Seth Godin that Service Design needs a movement. It's not enough to think that what you sell is so good that it is enough to convert your potential customers. Potential clients buy passion, energy and commitment as much as they buy what you are selling. To that end I have designed my own corporate manifesto. I believe in what I am doing and as I read and believed a long time ago, communication is not just saying something, it is the recipient successfully comprehending your intended message.

So here is my manifesto, the reason that I believe Service Design has the power to help companies transform their service experience for companies and their bottom line through increased customer loyalty and increased revenues.

Proto Partners Manifesto

Working to dramatically transform the way service is delivered, the way corporations default to productivity without the balancing need for quality, and the ambivalence of great customer service expectations in our society.

Proto Partners Aim

Our aim is to overhaul the existing service experience and create a major shift in the way service is not only delivered but experienced in the new millennium.

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Find out what drives us and how our passion for designing, enabling and scaling outstanding services delivers what your customers really want.

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Find out how we've helped some of Australia's biggest brands transform their approach to delivering an outstanding service experience.

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