Two men looking at Critical Customer Capabilities data

Six Critical Capabilities to Build a Customer-Centric Organisation

A question we are often asked is "how do we improve our internal customer experience and capabilities?"

Building a customer-centric organisation seems like a simple task. You prioritise your customers, collect their feedback on your services, build them into your business from the ground up and reap the rewards of greater customer satisfaction and retention.

However, with more than 50 billion connected devices active globally, the amount of data can be overwhelming. Turning that immense amount of multi-channel data into actionable business insights requires a company to build a specific set of customer capabilities.

In this month's newsletter we look at the six critical customer capabilities, what common questions they answer and which companies have already benefited from implementing them.

Graphic wheel of the 6 critical capabilities for a customer centric organisation.

Capability 1. Voice of the customer (Voc), Customer Insight and Understanding

One of the common questions asked about customer centricity is how do I collect customer data? and it’s also one of the most common mistakes. The key to generating customer insights is collecting the right data and having the capability to convert it into genuine customer insights.

Voc Essentials

LEGO is an excellent example of the benefits of correctly implemented VOC. Their Mission to Space campaign provided the customer with the ability to create user-generated content based on their interests.

By allowing the customer to be part of their content ecosystem, LEGO ensured that they were meeting customer expectations and were able to translate customer interests into actionable design ideas.

Capability 2. Experience Design and Improvement

Generating and analysing the right feedback is just the start of the process; a recent survey found that 75% of companies are only collecting or analysing data without deriving actionable results.

Vital to building a customer-centric organisation is integrating customer insights with an agile experience design process, able to adapt to the changing needs for your customer base.

Experience Design Essentials

Our own experience with Optus corroborates this. During the design of their ‘Future State Customer Strategy’ we produced:

Using our flexible design to plan future customer experiences allowed Optus to accelerate their ability to become Australia’s most loved and recommended service brand.

Graphic of the future state customer journey initiatives for Optus

To download the comprehensive list of capabilities, click here.

Capability 3. Customer Experience Strategy (CES)

Essential to the development of an effective Customer Experience Strategy is the concept of granularity. Each customer journey is made up of multiple customer interactions, and each of those interactions requires a specific strategy.

Another critical factor is the human contact aspect. Despite the huge numbers of digital contact channels available, customers still value the human touch.

Integrating consistent human interaction into your Customer Strategy ensures customers feel as if they are being treated as an individual, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer Experience Strategy Essentials

When designing Virgin Mobile's Customer Strategy, we were able to identify that, while each customer wanted to be treated as an individual, they also wanted consistency in their interactions. Our 30 actionable initiatives formed the basis of their new customer engagement model.

Capability 4. Customer-Centric Culture

Customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than those without a customer-focused culture. So it’s no surprise that it has become a buzzword.

What is surprising is the number of organisations that still make fundamental mistakes when trying to implement customer-centricity.

One of the most common is assuming that customer experience is only relevant to customer-facing roles. To build a genuinely customer-centric culture, there needs to be an emphasis on educating all employees on how they play a vital role in the customer experience.

Customer-Centric Essentials

By developing a deep understanding of the typical end-to-end journey of Gumtree users, we were able to create an extensive package of customer-centric tools and reference materials. These tools allowed Gumtree staff, at all levels, to help build and deliver the ideal customer journey.

To download the comprehensive list of capabilities click here.

Capability 5. Organisational Adoption and Accountability

Having taken steps to put in place the framework of a customer-centric culture, it is vital to fuel ongoing confidence at all levels of the business.

Having clear first steps in the customer experience process allows team members to integrate new customer-centric initiatives with their other responsibilities.

Customer experience champions can evangelise customer-centricity while sharing compelling opportunities to ensure ongoing commitment.

By intrinsically linking staff to specific customer experiences, organisations can encourage emotional investment in CEX, leading to quicker adoption.

Adoption and Accountability Essentials

To effect a strategic overview of Sydney Water's ideal on boarding experience, Proto Partners produced a roadmap of prioritised initiatives. This clarified the steps required to implement a more customer-centric culture, making adoption of the initiatives quicker and easier.

Capability 6. Metrics, Measurements and ROI (Return On Investment)

An essential step to maintaining momentum in customer-centric initiatives is the accurate capture and measurement of CEX data.

Linking the effects of a customer-centric culture with business outcomes emphasises the benefits of CEX, leading to continued confidence in the initiatives.

Through the identification and analysis of CEX metrics, businesses can gain ongoing insightsinto customer needs and translate those into positive adjustments to the customer's journey.

Metrics, Measurement and ROI Essentials

Proto Partners led a recent NSW Government client through their first series of human-centred design workshops for their transformation program. The outcome of the prototyping has been exceptional:

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