Four puzzle pieces representing the four stages of Service Design

Proto Partners Service Design manifesto (Beta)

Working to dramatically transform the way service is delivered, the way corporations default to productivity without the balancing need for quality and the ambivalence of great customer service expectations in our society. Our aim is to overhaul existing service experiences and create a major shift in the way service is not only delivered but experienced in the new millennium

This will require a major shift in the way people see the provision of excellent service from an almost grudging behaviour to something to be esteemed and admired.

Our enemy will be those that fail to understand in an economy that is dominated by Service-based organisations, that to offer inferior or average service is to commit themselves to losing cutsomers and inferior or average profits in the future.

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Find out what drives us and how our passion for designing, enabling and scaling outstanding services delivers what your customers really want.

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Find out how we've helped some of Australia's biggest brands transform their approach to delivering an outstanding service experience.

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