Proto researcher conducting a customer experience interview

Online Customer Experience

“Customer experience is a well-known differentiator, but still few companies are on the path to doing something about it.” Customers are able to access various information about products, offerings, company reviews and so much more over the internet yet many companies still struggle to take advantage of that. “There is a tremendous opportunity for companies that can create a stand-out experience for their prospects and customers.”

According to a Business 2 Community article (link below), there are four characteristics to consider that will make an exceptional online experience.

  1. Sustainability. “Will you be able to always provide the same valuable experience to customers over time?” Examine the capabilities of your team and the resources you have available over a period of time. An experience that cannot be up to the standard customers were once introduced to is far more damaging than an average experience. Therefore it is important to maintain the level of service.
  1. Consistency sometimes. “when you are consistent about things like customer service, product quality, speedy delivery time, offering rewards, this keeps the customers satisfied.” However it is also important to not become predictable but perhaps reward customers with spontaneous events or discounts. This will get customers more engaged with your brand and related news.
  1. Accessibility. Customers have “their own preferences for interacting with companies that they rely on, so it is important to make sure all avenues are open to them.” Allow customers to interact with your company through various devices, social media or email. When customers are given an option that suits their needs and lifestyle they are more likely to respond to your brand.
  1. Humanistic. “Customers want to know that there is an actual person on the other side of each interaction that understands their situation and is committed to helping them get through it.” Devote time and effort into getting customers what they want by giving support and immediate action on their issues with your product/service. Do what you can to show your customer that you care about them by leading them to people who can help if necessary.
“Your customer experience strategy takes planning, understanding of your customers, and the implementation of the right tools.” Check if your online experience show signs of these four characteristics and build upon them.

Read the full article here. 

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