CX Made Simple - October

CX Made Simple - October

Here are three simple ways to:
Better understand your customers

number 1

Walk in your customer’s shoes. Act as your customer and follow their journey and interactions to see how it feels to be them.

number 2

Use Customer Surveys. Create a survey with defined objectives, carefully thinking about what your business needs feedback on.

number 3

Assess your competition. Use Review sites to It’s key to know why other people choose other brands over you.

Here are three simple ways to:
Get your organisation on board with your CX strategy

number 1

Explain how CX supports your larger business strategy. Make it clear the business and customer outcomes you will achieve. Make it clear the business and customer outcomes you will achieve.

number 2

Supplement not replace programs. Use your insights and ideas to bolster current programs, earning the right to initiate new programs. Make it clear the business and customer outcomes you will achieve.

number 3

Identify barriers to CX success. Share what's most important to customers so you improve the ROI on existing programs of work.

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