Bike riders peddling down the street represented Biker-centered design in Denmark

Biker-centered design in Denmark showing real empathy

I really thought this was perfect sense and showed a good understanding of human behaviour or in this case challenges. Simple, elegant and effective — all things that good Service Design should be.

Biker rests foot on a bike railing in Copenhagen, Denmark

Check the railings that the man is holding onto and resting his foot on. It's located on a little Copenhagen traffic island where cyclists often wait, reports

The City of Copenhagen has implemented this double railing simply as a convenience for the cyclists who stop here. A high railing to grasp with your hand and a foot railing for putting your foot up, if that's what you fancy doing. Either way you can also use the railing to push off when the light changes.

The foot rest reads: "Hi, cyclist! Rest your foot here... and thank you for cycling in the city."

It certainly is a fine example of the City understanding human behaviour and basic anthropology.

Biker rests hands on a bike railing in Copenhagen, Denmark

Read the article at Core 77.

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