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3 Ways Technology Improves Customer Experience

“Technological advances have put power in the hands of customers”. Here are the three ways technology has changed the customer experience for the better. 

1. The rise of social media

Bad customer experiences spread quickly as the use of the internet and social media expands. Customer reviews, complaints and suggestions are now easily available to customers can go viral. This means companies must act just as fast in order to reclaim their brand promises and make up for their shortcomings. “Like the shot heard around the world, customer complaints can and do make a difference.”

2. Instant information

If product/services reviews are easy to access, then offers, prices and deals are even easier. Customers are readily targeted by new offers from numerous companies through social media, apps and simple internet browsing. Information on products and services are instantly available and comparable through online tools. Subsequently, companies will have to work harder to improve their products/services to suit their customers’ needs.

3. New customer tools and contact channels

More and more customers access companies through various channels. This can include apps, social media, TV and mobile devices. Customers are given access to more self-help channels and various ways to enjoy the same products and services. For example, Spotify making themselves readily available for smartphones rather than just via desktops or PCs.

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