Virgin Atlantic plane leading the way in design and innovation

Virgin Atlantic talking about needing to be different to prosper

Virgin Atlantic Airways Head of Design and Design Council member Joe Ferry outlines how investment in design has led to innovative products and services that encourage more people to fly Virgin. Anyway, like Apple has Steve Jobs, we have Steve Ridgeway, our CEO. He was quoted last year – I think it was in the Sunday Times – as saying that Virgin Atlantic doesn’t have the right to exist. Great. It exists because it’s been successful by being different, and I suppose that’s where I come into it, really, because we exist by having product and service differentiation. Essentially, if we’re competing with an airline on a route, they’re probably flying the same aircraft as us, they’re flying to the same destination and the price is very competitive. So the thing that separates us – because we don’t have a massive route network – is our product and service, and design is a big element of that.

You can link to the full interview here where he talks about how as head of Service & product Design for Virgin Atlantic, they use their investment in Design to create an outstanding service experience for their customers.

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