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The Key: Seven Trends to Look Out For This Year

Over the next two years, companies are looking to better their customer insights and create more seamless experiences by redirecting 50 percent of consumer product investments to customer experience innovations. Give your business a competitive edge by responding to these seven key technological trends that are disrupting the consumer marketplace, such as multi-screen browsing, enhanced data protection and streamlined information at the right place and time.

The New Year is rapidly approaching, giving companies another shot at breaking away from competitors and attracting more loyal customers. Competing solely on price or features is a risky game though—smart business leaders are realising they can gain a competitive edge by providing a high-quality customer experience. And as the battleground shifts to better customer insights and seamless experiences, companies are dedicating a larger percentage of their marketing budgets to the customer experience.

50 percent of consumer product investments will be redirected to customer experience innovations, predicts Gartner. The research firm also found in a poll conducted this year that 65 percent of large enterprises have a chief customer officer or an equivalent role and 58 percent of the time the chief customer officer reports to a marketing role, suggesting that marketing is taking on a broader responsibility for the delivery of customer experiences. As companies analyze their priorities, here are key trends that industry experts and analysts say are driving the customer experience.

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