Customer shopping via a mobile phone instead of going into a retail showroom

"Showrooming" and Mobiles, Retail's Enemy or Friend?

“Showrooming” is when people come into store to look at products and go away from the retail store to view it online to find cheaper options. With “showrooming” on the rise, how can retail stores keep customers in stores? A realbusiness article suggests says it’s as simple as using mobile in-store.

Research shows that most people who showroom actually use their mobiles during their shopping experience. Mobile is a threat to the retail environment, however, there is also an opportunity to make friends with the enemy. Companies can now interact with their customers while they shop through their mobiles, perhaps there could be a mobile retail assistant? Or perhaps specials made available through mobiles or even product suggestions as you browse the store. “It’s the perfect tool for businesses to find new ways to make buying in-store the convenient option.” By truly understanding how mobile is used by customers and their retail journey experience with you, opportunities for a successful new form of interaction with your brand is made possible.

Read the full article here.

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