Man writing Digital Marketing Insights next to an open laptop

Prophet insights into Digital Marketing

Last May, Gerd Leonhard, “one of the leading media futurists in the world”, according to The Wall Street Journal, made some predictions on how Digital Marketing will look like. He believes that companies will have a customised approach that will be immediately adapted to answer customers’ needs. Unauthorised marketing will be useless and all “decisions to buy” will come from normative influence - They love it! I love it! Therefore, companies will have to create authentic relationships and nourish their customers to produce, as Amazon already calls it, “Customer Delight”. However, creating a trustworthy relationship is more than accessing data patterns, it’s about how to build an emotional connection- and that isn’t easy.

Understanding your customers’ wishes, desires and values is the first step into this new marketing era. We believe that here, at Proto, we have the tools to help your company create an authentic and lasting relationship with your customers and walk brightly into the future.

Read the full article here.

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